Friday, March 12, 2010

Chapter of Accidents

My Mother calls me a chapter of accidents...and I can't blame her! Let me tell you about the accidents I have had so far this semester!

Yes that is my face that you see floating in our toilet, what you can't see is my unflushed #2, lucky for you!! This semester I have had the habit of just throwing all my cards in my back pocket. This worked fine until I wore a different pair of trousers. As I finished in the bathroom and stood up, right before I flushed, my debit cards, credit card, target gift card, drivers license and BYU ID all fell into the toilet bowl. I let out this huge laugh which Brett apparently thought was a noise of distress and he came to see what the commotion was about. I couldn't verbally explain due to my laughter and just pointed to the toilet. Needless to say he thought it was funny until I told him the toilet hadn't been flushed yet, then he thought it was disgusting!

This was definitely a time where we took the words of Elder Wirthlin to heart..."Come What May and Love It!". So the challenge began of retrieving my cards...I will spare you the gross details. Brett refused to help at first, but of course he got in on the gross, but hilarious moments that came next.

The conclusion of the story is that with the help of some tongs that Oli put in my purse at Tacanos we saved the cards, I cleaned them with bleach and sterilized them, they are as good as new. I was laughing all night, Brett was rolling his eyes all night!!

The next accident involves the nectar of our little family...Dr. Pepper. 2 nights previous to this accident I had gone to Macey's where they had a 20 pack of Dr. Pepper on sale...of course it went right into the trolley! When I got home I couldn't carry the case in with everything else so they stayed in the car all night, the next evening Brett brought them in and set them on the table.

As I was about to leave for school the next morning I thought it would be a smart idea to grab one to drink during my staff meeting so I started to rip open the box. As I did so ALL but 3 of the cans came flying out of the box! (This isn't the first time this has happened to me, but it wasn't quite as severe last time!). As I stood there in disbelief they flew across the kitchen, one hitting the bottom of the sink that punctured a small hole in it. Some how the can was pivoting and spraying all across our small kitchen and hitting the side of our brand new beige sectional! I was in shock! Finally I ran to the pivoting can, unsuccessfully trying to dodge its sprays! It got all over my jeans!

I emailed my boss to tell her I was running a little late as I need to clean my couch from a minor soda explosion. (A side note, I am writing this a work and just laughed out loud, my co-worker Danielle looked over and thought I was weird!).

In conclusion, the couch was saved, the floor was sticky and I ran to work,some people came to look at our house (it is being sold) and were probably very confused at the random cans of Dr. Pepper all over the kitchen floor!

So as you can see, my life is full of accidental adventures, I am always texting or calling Brett to tell him about my new antics in his absence. Often times I will be in the bedroom and let out a cry of pain, Brett responds with "Hit the bed again?" the answer is always "Yes" some how I always manage to stub my feet on out bed frame, it has resulted in bleeding toes and many bruises! Oh and don't forget all the times I trip and fall and slip! AH!!!!

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