Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Betsy is home!!! Betsy aka Sister O'Brien was my companion my 7th transfer so from Feb-Mar 2009! We didn't know each other very well when we became companions just talking a few times, but from day 1 we were the best of friends! We had so many amazing experiences, fun, laughter, tears, spiritual moments, crazy days. Everyday was amazing, in my opinion the perfect missionary companionship!
Just over a week ago Betsy flew into SLC on her way to BYU-I, I drove up with her Sister to get her from the airport and then we had a fun day in SLC! Yay for being able to visit our amazing mission so often and even better doing it with one of the most amazing Sisters to ever serve there!
I Love You Betsy!!! Thanks for a perfect transfer!


  1. wawa weewa I LOVE YOU.
    you are the BFF-est ever.

  2. this post makes me happy every time i see it!
