Saturday, December 18, 2010

Gingerbread Houses & Gavin's Birthday

Yay for finals being done, making Gingerbread houses and celebrating Gavin's Birthday! We all gathered at Jordan's house (he avoided the couples picture above) and went to work on our festive houses!
After about 10 minutes Brett gave up on any kind of decorating tool other than his fingers!! It got rather messy!

Carrie was in on the action, giving ideas, and encouragement along the way!

Jordan went full out and made a town, throughout the night it was named the Shanti Town, The Bronx and The Polygamist Colony!
The end result! Somehow ours ended up huge!
Yay! This was my first time ever making a Gingerbread house, it turned out pretty well! Go team Steenblik! Next year will be even better!

The leftover candy, yes we had WAY more than this to begin with!
Jordan and his masterpiece!!

I love the holiday season!

1 comment:

  1. Yum, you guys made awesome ones. We made one but the choices for candy were bleak- yours looks awesome!
