Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Officially a Real Mummy

You may think the title of this post is a little silly. Yes, I have been a Mummy for 6 months now, but I this week has made me really feel like a Mummy. The past 2 nights I have done something my mother always did when we were growing up, something that went beyond meeting the basic needs of her children, and for some reason being like my mother makes me feel like more of a mother.

When we were kids and sick my Dad would sleep on the couch or in our bed and let us sleep in the big bed with Mummy. I remember doing this many times, and loving the fact that my Mummy was there whenever I needed her. I even remember one time we both had the flu really bad and we just lay in her bed together, but she was still there for me even though she was sick.

Lucas has been really sick with a cold this past week and he has been sleeping in my bed and Brett in the other room. When he wakes up in the night it is nice to be right next to him and help him get back to sleep.

I'm sad my baby is sick, but I am glad I have been able to cuddle him and help him feel better.

1 comment:

  1. Cute post! I think you have been a real mummy all along, but so sweet of you to be by his side. PS. I think you have a super cute blog and I love to read it.
