Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Beach & BBQ

Our first day in California we headed to the beach with Brett's brother, his wife and son, they call their son "The Lime" so that's what we will also call him on this blog :)

Lucas and The Lime met for the first time, they instantly became best buds and I hope they get to grow up around each other. 

Var saw this BBQ place on a TV show so we tied it out, it was pretty yummy!

Then we headed to the beach. It was freezing, but that didn't stop Lucas and The Lime from having a blast!

Lucas and Uncle Var walking out into the ocean.

The first thing he did was head for the water, fully dressed!

We eventually decided it was time to undress him!

Lucas was The Lime's shadow!


A nice stroll on the the beach!

See the mud in his hair? That was from a dip/fall in the ocean!

It was a lot of fun, and a great start to our California adventure!

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