Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I'm A Night Owl, He's A Morning Person

This picture shows Brett and I wide awake and enjoying a BYU football game, but there are definitely times where we are very tired. Those times can be very interesting and make for funny conversations at a more coherent time.

Now the problem is that I am a night Owl and love to stay up late. When we go to bed at night I am full of energy, wanting to talk, Brett on the other hand just wants to go right to sleep. See Brett is a morning person and gets up at 6:30 every morning, but I hate getting up early and am very incoherent in the mornings.

The other night Brett went to sleep, I was in the in between state of being awake and asleep when all of a sudden I twitched, BIG time, to the point that it woke Brett up. Groggily he stated the obvious "Did you just twitch?" I responded with "Yeah, I was scared" (I wasn't scared so I have no idea why I said that). Brett then said "Don't be scared, I'm right here". "Ok, sorry for waking you up" I replied. We then rolled over and went back to sleep. We laughed about it the next day.

Other incidents involve Brett rolling over to cuddle at 4am, waking me up and having no idea he did it the next morning. I've also had some elbows in the eye and knees in the back. I always have a story to tell him about something funny he did in his sleep the night before.

I would tell you about the silly things I do and say in the mornings, but I don't remember them. I do know that Brett laughs at me every morning as he gets ready and I'm in bed trying to have a conversation with him.

Oh how I love married life!


  1. That's funny- cute post. Jason is both a night owl and morning person. I don't know how he can go to bed so late and get up so early. Crazy. Worst part all the kids are morning people, I'm soooo not!

  2. I know these Steenblik boys are crazy! haha! I had to get up at 5:15 for work this morning. Brett got up with me and went to school at 6am! I mean seriously! Who does that?! haha Hopefully the kids will like to sleep in once they hit the teenage years, I won't be getting that privilege for a good amount of years haha!
