Its time to CATCH UP on all of our adventures!
School starts in 6 days so I figured if I didn't share our summer now it would never happen and it would be the end of our blog. So sadly each event doesn't get it's own post, some events don't even get their own pictures...but here is our first summer as a married couple!
In June my DADDY CAME TO STAY for two weeks. So for two weeks we hiked, shopped, and ate like never before! We literally only ate in once!!
Yes before you ask I did FALL IN!
Unfortunately all the pictures of his birthday are on my Dad's camera (like most others from his trip here) which resides in England.
We had a birthday party and stuffed our faces with Pizza, Cake and Ice cream! We would have played wiffle ball but it was raining! Instead we played the Wii and some apples to apples.
The ultimate part of Brett's birthday had to be the EPIC GAME OF SCUM that lasted till almost 1am! Brett, Gavin, Heather, Garrett, Jordan, me and wait for it my Dad, played the FUNNIEST game of scum ever!! We were insulting each others, telling jokes and laughing so hard our landlord asked us to keep it quiet! Oh the INSIDE JOKES that will forever remain due to scum!
Julie and Josie came to Utah for Julie's brothers wedding. So we all (by all I mean, Megan, Joe, Lula, Kathy, Randy, Grandma, Grandpa, Brett, Daddy and myself!) went up to Logan to see them on fathers day! It was so great to see them as we hadn't since our wedding in December. Sad the boys couldn't come too!
Then for the 4th July we went to IDAHO!
We drove up through Rexburg and stayed the night with Megan, Joe and Lula before heading up to see Tiff, Rob and the kids in northern Idaho. We got to have some much loved Lula time and I got to see Betsy and Melody, my beloved sisters from the mission! Betsy and I got caught in the storm of a lifetime whilst driving through some random fields!
As we drove through Montana our worst nightmare happened! We RAN OUT OF GAS, well almost! We went to get gas but found that the gas station was closed! There wasn't another gas station for about 25 miles they told us! So we said a PRAYER and had some FAITH, hoping we would make it those 25 miles! We hadn't had our car long so we had no idea how much gas we had left once the gas light came on! Our prayers were answered and for the longest time we were able to coast in neutral! Boy was that scary! Oh and we had NO SIGNAL!!!!
We went into SPOKANE and played with the kids!
As you can see Brett grew out a GOATIE! Not my favorite thing to happen this summer!
We found these alphabet blocks with my initials together. I love being a STEENBLIK!
A huge RED TRUCK with a slide!
On the 4th ABBY WAS IN THE PARADE! So Syd and I took lots of pictures!
Abby was a GIRL SCOUT COOKIE!! Yum!!
Afterward we went and got ELEPHANT EARS! Delicious!
And then we had some FIREOWORKS!! Syd hates the noise so she wore this head gear and stayed inside! It was hilarious because she couldn't hear us when we talked to her!
Another main event of the summer has been the GREENE'S BOAT!
Heather and I had the time of our lives up front until Jon decided to bring a ton of water into the boat and drench us multiple times!
Brett getting some AIR!
Gavin made a great effort, but FELL OFF more than anyone! It was entertaining!
Brett was on the tubes for so long he got this huge BRUISE!
Jordan in his GIRLY life jacket!
We have had a lot of FUN this summer (other than moving twice) and have been able to spend a lot of time with great friends and great family!!
Now it is back to school, but don't worry we will keep having fun! We are off to California for a wedding in a few weeks and have A LOT planned for the next year!!
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