Monday, November 1, 2010

This Is Halloween!

Believe it or not I was in the school play "The Night Before Christmas" and I was one of the little kids that kidnaps Santa...anyway thats completely not the point of this post...haha

We had been planning to carve Pumpkins with our friends Ashley and Cameron and on Sat night after the Giants game we realized we still hadn't done it! We thought our chances of finding Pumpkins the night before Halloween were pretty slim, but we tried anyway. We went to Smiths and found the smallest, beat up, sad looking Pumpkins ever!! We were disappointed. We decided to try one more place and at Macey's we found the BIGGEST pumpkins, ours weighed almost 30lbs!! (At first I thought they were trying to charge us $30, alas that was not the case! Thank goodness!!)

Brett and I decided as the Giants were in the world series we would try and do the SF Giants logo on our pumpkin. It turned out to be rather difficult and we failed the first time. (I stuck all the pieces back in and we started again on the other side!). The 2nd time was much more successful and we are pretty proud of our Giants pumpkin!!!

I can't wait to come up with a cute costume for the baby next Halloween!!!

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