Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Baby's Gender

The Munchkin is a BOY!!!

He wasn't shy this time and we could tell he was a boy before the technician even told us!! He has such a fun personality, he was sitting with his legs in a frog position and was pressing his chin to his chest! He is so darn cute!! I'm already trying to determine his facial features from the ultrasound pictures. I could be way off, but it is fun to do! I have decided he has my mouth and the Steenblik ears!

He is looking super healthy and is measuring 1 week and 5 days ahead of his due date, so the little man may be joining us mid march rather than the end which is fine by us! The sooner the better!

It is amazing how much more attached I feel to him just by knowing his gender, it makes him seem so much more real!!

I am preparing myself for the endless accidents and lifetime of baseball with him and his Daddy!

We love our little boy! Next task, figure out what his name will be!

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