Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thanksgiving Break!

We made many attempt to make it to California for Thanksgiving, but with the weather and the price of gas it just didn't work out. So we got spend Thanksgiving with Megan, Joe and our cutie Lula girl! Thursday afternoon we went to Willard UT and had our meal with them and Joe's sister and her family! They have 5 kids so it was busy and a lot of fun!

This little guy was full of energy! If he wasn't beating up his 8 year old brother he was climbing on Brett!!

Who do you think made it to the dinner table first? Joe? NOPE! Lula!! She was eating everything she could before the table was even done being set!

Yummy food!! Oh I made fudge to add to the festivities and it was a hit!! I think I will try toffee next!

Cute girls!

The view from Lestlie and Tim's house! Gorgeous!
We played some fun games Thanksgiving night and then headed down to SLC where we all stayed in the Marriot. We woke up Friday morning, had some breakfast and then headed to Gateway for some Black Friday shopping, surprisingly it was deserted! Lula had fun playing in kids sections of Barnes and Noble! We tried out The Fashion Place Mall which was a lot busier and somehow Lula ended up stealing some sunglasses from Eddie Bauer that we made Brett return!

Our shopping adventures weren't too successful as two pregnant women and a baby make for very tired shoppers! We went back to the hotel where Brett and Joe watched a football game (can't remember which one!) whilst Megan, Lula and I napped!

For dinner we went to Olive Garden and then headed to Temple Square to see the lights!

Daughter and Daddy admiring the lights!

Lula loved the statue of Jesus and kept saying "Ge!" when she saw him!

Forgot the flash so it isn't the greatest picture, but we had fun! How I ever survived those cold winters as a missionary on Temple Square I will never know! It was freezing!

We took Lula home for the night and she was super hyper! She loved our Christmas tree and gasped when we turned on the lights for her! She had fun taking things off the tree and putting them back on!

I gave Lula a bath, we said prayers and she took her self to her bed. We shut the door and she cried for about 3 mins which didn't make sense because she willing went there, but she was great after that! In the morning we found her upset because she had thrown her blanket and Mikey Mouse out of the crib, once she had them back and got into our bed she fell back asleep in between us! It was so nice!

When we left for SLC Sat morning she insisted on wearing her favorite hat! When we gave her back to Megan and Joe she looked like this...pooped! Poor Lula never gets naps when she's with us!!

After Megan and Joe left we went to see Shelley at her store and then headed to Bountiful where we had lunch with Grandma, Grandpa, Janna, Jason, Morgan and McKay. We had a lot of fun and I enjoyed meeting more of our family members!

After lunch we headed to Shelly and Kenny's to seem them and Maggie. We watched Stuart Little 2, The Blind Side, played Apples to Apples and ate pizza.

We had a great Thanksgiving week and got to spend it with some great people!

I am grateful for all we have been blessed with. We have wonderful family and friends and are so grateful for our growing little boy!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great Thanksgiving! It's really all about being with family! So lucky you guys are close to some there. Lula is such a cutie!
