This is a picture of me at 31 weeks pregnant, I'm feeling huge and know there's still more to come!! The countdown has begun and we still have a lot to do! Hopefully we will get a start on his room this weekend due to having Monday off. I purchased fabric last week to make some curtains and bedding for him...I just couldn't find anything I really liked and everything was so expensive so I decided to go the handmade route!
The lil Munchkin is definitely running out of room. It feels like he is doing the worm in there and his movements no longer just move my belly, but my whole body! It is occasionally uncomfortable, but not too bad, he is just a strong lil guy!! The couch is still the only place I can seem to sleep and the need to pee is more frequent and a lot stronger these days!!
We are excited for him to be here, but glad we have a few more weeks to get everything ready!!
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