A couple of weeks ago I went for the routine 1 hour glucose test to test for gestational diabetes. To our surprise my results came back elevated by 20 points
(we think it may have been due to the poptart I stupidly ate before hand, even though the Dr. said that shouldn't have mattered).
This of course worried us so we scheduled my 3 hour glucose test for the next morning in hopes that my blood sugar levels would come back normal. They do this test at the hospital and only at 7:15am. Unfortunately I have been sick for most of my pregnancy and an empty stomach tends to make my nausea worse, but you have to fast for 10-12 hours before taking the test. Additionally I have always been onc of those people that feels nauseous when extremely tired. Now 18 months ago arising at 6:30am was normal and my body was fine with it, but now I am pregnant and barely sleep, 6:30am is so so early for me. This combination of things, plus a 10oz drink of syrupy sugar left my body very unhappy and 1 hour into it all I threw it all up and the test became void. This was extremely distressing as the thought of doing it all over again just seemed unbearable.
At our regular 2 week appointment on Friday my Dr. told me I could try again or just be treated as though I had gestational diabetes. I decided I would try one more time. So this morning I made my way to the hospital in the dark and started the torturous 3 hours over again. The nurse Tena was so so nice to me, (she was the same nurse as the first attempt), she let me sit in a dark room with a reclining chair,a blanket and got me a big cup of ice water. With her kind gestures and a lot of will power I managed to keep the drink down and this time passed with flying colors. I am so glad we don't have to deal with Gestational Diabetes for the last 7 weeks of the pregnancy and that we don't have to worry about our little guy being big or having high blood sugar when he comes.
So I have been on a sugar high 3 times to find the results of my blood sugar, but in the process I have found a lasting love high.
The thought of something being wrong that could hurt our little baby was so scary. I became more aware of his movements and cherished them more and more even though they have become more uncomfortable. I started to talk to him more, and play with him when he kept sticking his bum out on my right side. His little personality is growing and I just fell more in love with him through this journey. I knew even if I did have gestational diabetes that it could be treated and with effort on my part there was no need to think there would be any problems, but I just couldn't bare the though of our little boy having to suffer from day one in this world.
It has made me think about the journey he will take through life, I don't want him to ever hurt, but I know that he will, I know that he has to, to learn and to grow he must face adversity. In spite of that knowledge I just want to protect him and love him with everything I have. He won't be little for long so I want to make sure I cherish the little time I have before he becomes independent and had to start facing things alone.
I'm on a love high. I am so in love with our little Munchkin that words cannot even begin to explain, and he isn't even here yet. I can't imagine loving him more, but I know in 7 short weeks I will!
I am so blessed, I have the most incredible husband who never fails to make my day, he is so kind and giving and his love for our little boy gives me butterflies.
As much as the 3 sugar highs were no fun, I am grateful that it led me loving my little boy so much more.
4th paragraph up is how I thought of you, still do and always will. XX
ReplyDeleteWow- it's coming so fast!! Can't wait to meet that little guy. Hopefully the rest of the pregnancy is smooth sailing!