Monday, January 24, 2011

The Importance of Snugglies!

Cuddle time for Brett and I is called Snugglies. When we were dating we started a little tradition of snugglies before we had to part for the night. It became part of our routine and I even remember one night where something happened and we didn't get snugglies, it made me so upset. It was my favorite part of each day!

Our little tradition has carried on since we have been married and as simple as it is I have realized how important it is to our relationship. The past couple of weeks have been super busy and with my increasing inability to sleep and be comfortable snugglies has kind of been put on the back burner.

The past couple of weeks have seemed so stressful and it wasn't until yesterday when we took the time for snugglies that I realized the effect it has on our relationship when we don't have it. Snugglies isn't just about cuddling, it's a time for us to talk, whether it be about serious things or silly things. It is a time for us to really just focus on each other and catch up. Snugglies helps us communicate better and make sure we take a little time each day just to just be together.

I know life gets busy and for us it is about to get even busier when the baby comes, but my advice to everyone is to make time for snugglies! It makes such a difference!

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