At work today one of the guys started signing "Backstreets Back", this brought a smile to my face and reminded me of last summer when Nat, Alyce and I went to the Backstreet Boys reunion tour. It was a low budget concert, but there is nothing like hearing the classic BSB songs live! Unfortunately the boys are trying to make a come back (a big mistake in my opinion) so they shared songs from their new album. One song in particular is called "I want your PDA"...
You think the name is terrible? Wait till you hear the song it is even worse!! Check is out at this will give you a few mins of laughter! Yes it is that bad that you will laugh!
Oh yuck.. that is a terrible song. The lyrics and the style. I do love Inconsolable <3 though. I enjoy reading your blog.. I need to keep up with mine.. It's probably been 6 months or more.