Thursday, August 30, 2012

I Love To See The Temple

This being Lucas' first trip to California we took him to the Oakland Temple for the first time. Before we got out of the car Brett turned to Lucas and told him that this was the Temple we were sealed as a family in. Lucas' gave a big smile and let out a little giggle as though he knew exactly what that meant. 

It was a beautiful day and Lucas loved exploring the grounds.

We failed to get us all and the temple in the picture...oh well.

Love my forever family

He explored the grounds for almost 2 hours without asking to be picked up. He knew it was a special place and he didn't want to leave.

We have a picture of us walking down this same path on our wedding day, it was fun to see our little boy take the same walk.

As soon as we went to the visitor's center he ran to Jesus, it was so cute to watch him looking up at his Savior.

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