Saturday, November 2, 2013

ABCs of Grateful - A

A is for Airplanes

Now lets get one thing straight, I do NOT like airplanes, but I am grateful for them. They allow us to travel to see family and well with my family across an ocean I probably appreciate airplanes more than most. Plus the alternative is weeks on a ship...I'd take 15 hours on a plane with a toddler over that. I'm grateful that we have been able to fly to England and Switzerland as a family of 3 as well as take trips to California and Hawaii. Airplanes have really kept us connected to our family.

In more recent months I have become more grateful for airplanes because Lucas just loves them. It doesn't matter where we are or what we are doing, if he hears an airplane he instantly stops and looks for the "fly" as he calls it, most times he thinks Papa is on the plane and shouts "Hi Papa!". He has lots of planes that he plays with and he loves the planes movie! So A is for airplanes and I think we will go to the airplane museum here in Tucson sometime after Christmas :)

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